Friday, April 20, 2007


Thanks Sterling for the link to this story about a particularly gruesome Liberian childrearing practice that has caught the attention of authorities in New York.

A Staten Island man was charged with assault and child endangerment after he admitted to rubbing a hot yellow pepper on his 11- and 8-year-old sons' naked bodies - including their genitals, including their faces. Why hot yellow peppers? The Staten Island Advance reports that the father, Ganganue Gonesh, explained to the police, "I use pepper to rub on their body because this is how we are disciplined in our country [Liberia], in Africa."
It's a common practice in Liberia, unfortunately.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another far more gruesome practice is to make the child hold a hot coal in his hand and squeeze it. That's according to a Liberian social worker at UNICEF.

9:05 PM  

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