Monday, September 10, 2007

NYC TRC Sessions

In New York; The Staten Island Liberian Community Association, Inc. (SILCA), and The Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Diaspora Project will present a Workshop with the Republic of Liberia TRC Commissioner Massa Washington. The organizers are encouraging all Liberians and Friends and Liberia within the Staten Island and Tri- State areas to attend.

PLACE: African Dance Hall
(Opposite CitiBank on Bay St.)
568 Bay St., Staten Island, NY 10304
DATE: Saturday, Sept. 8, 2007
TIME: 11am - 5pm
Admission Is Free! Refreshment Will Be Served!
CONTACTS: Telee Brown 718-496-7492; TRC 1-800- 799- 3688; R. Arkoi 917-365-7903


P.S. I talk once in a while to expats who work with the TRC, and they all reluctantly admit that there seems to be little public support for it in Liberia. We in the international community are all for the TRC idea, and many consultants and lawyers are shipped over to make it happen, but Liberians themselves aren't real enthusiastic, as far as I can tell.


Blogger james said...

OK, so can them and use the bucks for something useful. I'd think the people on the ground might have a better sense than folks abroad of whether or not TRC proceedings might restart conflicts. Does the central government have sturdy enough control to be able to try a warlord crony? With so many of them in the legislature?

8:48 PM  

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