Friday, February 09, 2007

Snowe Looking Cooked, Again

I know I said this before, but this time it looks for real. Snowe didn't show up to work yesterday at the temporary parliament site (the US is renovating the building on Capitol Hill), even though he had promised to do so. The problem is that he knows he'll be sacked if he walks into the building, and if he doesn't show up to work, he could be suspended.

In a fit of creativity, he and/or his supporters appeared yesterday to have dreamed up a scheme to make it seem as though he couldn't get there because his supporters wouldn't allow it, barricading him into his own home. Some newspapers bought that tale--even VOA--but to me it seemed like a cheap ploy.

Most or all of his minority holdout bloc in congress yesterday decided to abandon him and show up for work, and they were applauded by the majority.

I guess it's still too early to predict his downfall, but if Snowe can manage to keep his job at this stage in the game, then he's a miracle worker. This in spite of the fact that the Snowe camp appears to have bought the loyalty of many, if not most, of the newspapers.

Again I want to congratulate the New Democrat for consistently shooting right down the middle. Liberia's best newspaper, no question.

Wait, did I mention [yes] that the guy who's been leading the majority bloc against Snowe is wanted by the US FBI for attempted rape of a child? Future Speaker of the House? Hmmm.


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