Saturday, February 24, 2007

Knuckles Sex Scandal Update

The Press Union has suspended the newspaper that printed the Willis Knuckles orgy photo, and they also suspended Radio Veritas for simply describing the photo on the air! Apparently freedom of speech is not a high priority of the news media in this country.

Some papers are calling for Knuckles' arrest, though the government has pointed out that having sex with more than one person is not a crime under Liberian law, and neither is infidelity.

I'm blown away by the amount of moral outrage expressed in the newspapers, be it real or feigned. My suspicion is that whoever took the photo is the same person that had lured him into the tryst. Incidentally, the media should really stop calling it "porno", as it's clearly a candid photo intended only to smear somebody.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your read on this seems correct to me. Although, I have been out of the country for over a decade but I believe I know enough about how things work at home to believe that it was a setup.

The Press Union doesn't have a clue. I don't know why you guys take it seriously. Apparently, not too many people in Liberia are concerned about the privacy issues involved...that anyone, including public officials, could be photographed in an uncompromising position without his(her) consent and have the photograph published on the front page of a newspaper (at least that is what I read). There are very many kids who sell newspapers (when I was home) and I have no reason to believe that they still don't. The person who published the picture in a mass circulation newspaper must have known that children were going to be exposed to adult material. I know for a fact this is a violation of the law, at least the laws as they existed when I was home.

Has the Justice Ministry done anything about it at all? Apparently, there is so much freedom at home now that people are free to overtly violate the laws.

By the way, have some news outlets started blaming Ellen for Knuckles' antics? I wouldn't be surprise. I believe that was the whole point of the setup. Unfortunately, some well-meaning people are beginning to unwittingly fall for this act of political gangsterism.

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where can i see the pictures?

7:36 PM  

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